https://www.kjintelligent.com/custom_136455.html [InnoVEX] Taiwan StartUp Interview - KJ Intelligent [InnoVEX] Taiwan StartUp Interview - KJ Intelligent 文章出處: [InnoVEX] Taiwan StartUp Interview - KJ IntelligentAdhering to the "people-centric, service-oriented principle," KJ Intelligent integrates IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and AI applications to deliver comprehensive solutions. These range from single-server setups, three-tier architectures, hyper-converged environments, AI servers, and GPU sharing, to planning and execution across all AI stages. With cutting-edge technologies, KJ Intelligent aims to build stable, secure, AI-ready information platforms and network environments.The KJ Intelligent service and technical teams bring extensive practical experience, professional expertise, and a passion for service. They excel at quickly assessing the status of IT systems, understanding client needs, and providing tailored solutions. With a proactive and dedicated approach, KJ Intelligent assists government institutions, educational organizations, manufacturing firms, and enterprises across industries in enhancing their cybersecurity capabilities during digital transformation, creating a new generation of intelligent IT solutions."Data drives decisions and AI strengthens decision-making," said KJ Intelligent. In the era of AI, global leading enterprises have prioritized AI as a key area for investment and growth. By leveraging AI to perform intelligent analyses of big data, businesses can assess market trends and adjust strategies to achieve better profitability. Consequently, the market for AI hardware and software is expected to grow significantly. In response to this rapidly advancing AI-driven digital age, KJ Intelligent provides cutting-edge AI servers that meet customers' computational needs, along with GPU resource scheduling and AI operations management services tailored to individual client requirements. This supports customers in developing AI applications at various stages.KJ Intelligent emphasized that, in recent years, regulations, organizational standards, and cybersecurity requirements from the public sector have become increasingly stringent. With years of hands-on experience, KJ Intelligent understands the critical importance of system security and stability to agency and enterprise operations. To address these trends, the company offers diverse cybersecurity solutions tailored to different work environments, fields, and usage scenarios. These include proprietary industrial control endpoint security (OT/IT security transmission) solutions such as unidirectional gateway firewalls, value-added cybersecurity software packages, and an integrated cybersecurity management platform that provides 24/7 cloud/on-premise monitoring. These solutions are customizable to client needs, offering real-time cybersecurity services during maintenance to prevent valuable assets from being exposed to risks due to a lack of resources or expertise. This ensures system security and stability while enabling clients to keep pace with digital transformation demands.Moreover, with increasing digitalization, geopolitical influences, and the rapid development of remote work and generative AI, cybersecurity challenges such as video-based scams have surged, with incidents and damages continuing to rise. In addressing these issues, KJ Intelligent is dedicated to strengthening its clients’ comprehensive cybersecurity strategies. This involves bolstering protection, enhancing monitoring, securing supply chains, and conducting various drills to improve cybersecurity incident response capabilities. This ensures institutions and enterprises can quickly recover from cybersecurity events.KJ Intelligent further noted that the rise of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain, APIs, and AI has driven institutions and enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation efforts. However, the high degree of digitalization also presents significant challenges to innovation, especially in areas such as business models, product planning, and service offerings.As a trusted IT partner, KJ Intelligent remains committed to delivering meticulous and professional services along with cutting-edge IT products. By shortening the timeline for digital transformation, the company helps institutions and enterprises leverage digital technology to forecast and analyze market trends. This enables the creation of precise business strategies, enhances adaptability in the face of market shifts, and fosters a win-win situation for all stakeholders.Reference Website: KJ Intelligent Official Website
https://www.kjintelligent.com/custom_134919.html TCA會員企業專訪 -科智數位 TCA會員企業專訪 -科智數位 文章出處: TCA會員企業專訪 -科智數位 TCA會員企業專訪 -科智數位 秉持「以人為本,服務為依歸」,科智數位整合IT基礎架構、資訊安全與AI應用等領域,提供從單機伺服器、三層式架構、超融合環境、AI伺服器、GPU分享及AI各階段的規劃產出,致力以智慧科技建構穩定、安全並符合AI世代的資訊平台及網路環境。科智數位的服務及技術團隊擁有豐富的實務經驗、專業能力及服務熱忱,能迅速掌握資訊系統狀況、瞭解客戶的實際需求,進而提出解決方案,以積極主動的態度和熱忱,幫助政府、教育、製造業及各領域的企業用戶在數位化轉型過程中有效提升資安防護能力,打造新一代智能的IT解決方案。「數據驅動決策,AI強化分析決策」科智數位指出,AI當道,全球的指標性企業均將AI作為投資重點和發展趨勢,企業運用AI將大數據資料進行各種智慧化分析來評估市場未來的走向,這促使企業調整其商業策略,以尋求更佳的獲利模式,因此,可以預見,AI硬體與軟體的市場規模仍將蓬勃增長,科智數位面對迎面而來的AI數位時代,除提供客戶頂尖運算能力的AI伺服器,同時可以依照客戶的實際需求,提供AI GPU 算力資源調度及AI管理維運,協助客戶發展各階段的AI應用服務。科智數位表示,近年來不論是法規、組織,或公部門的資安要求都越來越嚴謹,依其多年的實務經驗,深知資訊系統的安全和穩定對於機關/企業營運的重要性及影響性,為因應這樣的趨勢,科智數位提供不同工作環境、場域及使用情境需求的資安解決方案,如獨家的工控端點安全防護OT/IT安全傳輸的單向閘道防火牆;以及各種加值的資安防護軟體套件,同時整合雲端/地端24小時監控的資安管理平台,均可依客戶需求規劃,在維護期間提供即時的資安服務和管理,避免客戶因缺乏資安人員及管理,讓珍貴的資訊資產曝露在資安風險中,以確保資訊系統的安全和穩定,並依客戶需求提供與時俱進的數位轉型方案。此外,受到高度數位化、地緣政治影響,加上遠距辦公及生成式AI快速發展,讓影音詐騙資安事件發生頻率和損失都持續攀升,資訊安全面臨前所未有的挑戰。面對這些資安問題,科智數位致力於強化客戶全面性的資安策略思維,除了要持續強化防護、加強監控、管理供應鏈安全、並執行各種演練,以提升資安應變處理能力,確保機關/企業在面對資安事件時可以快速因應與復原。科智數位指出,雲端、大數據、區塊鏈、API及AI等各式新興科技蓬勃發展,各機關/企業也都積極的推動數位轉型,高度的數位化,使得機關/企業不論在經營模式、商品規劃與服務面向上,均面臨非常大的創新挑戰。以客戶的資訊夥伴自許,科智數位將持續提供細緻、專業的服務和與時俱進的資訊產品,以縮短數位轉型的時程,協助機關/企業可以透過數位科技的應用,預測、分析市場未來的走向,藉此提出更精準的商業策略,提升機關/企業面對商業環境轉換的應變能力,打造雙贏局面。(發佈時間:2024-10-21)
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